Rodeo Queen Candidate Presley Hope Reed
Running for Rodeo Queen in Oklahoma
Presley Hope Reed is a young lady from Burns Flat, Oklahoma who has her sights on becoming this year’s 2023 Gracemont Rodeo Queen. Although she is one of the youngest contestants, her age doesn’t stop her from getting involved and participating in the events. When asked why she wanted to run for rodeo queen, she told us that she “wanted to try it” and that she has. She, as well as her mother and other family members, haul to different rodeos, playday events and more to introduce Presley to any and all of the horse people in the Gracemont area. While attending the events, she talks with the other riders and attendants, enjoys her younger family members for fun and of course proves her ability to ride by running patterns like barrels completely on her own.

How To Help Presley Become Queen
Each year, the goal for the queen candidates is simple: the candidate who raises the most money for the rodeo is crowned the queen for the year. In many cases like Gracemont’s, the candidates win more than just a title – they can win saddles, trailers, and many more opportunities to get involved in the horse world. In order to raise money, candidates sell tickets to the rodeo that they are running for ahead of time, but that’s not all. Many candidates host their own raffles, fundraisers and events. If you’d like to help Presley win the title of Rodeo Queen, reach out to her and her mother to purchase a ticket for the rodeo. If you are a business that would like to support her, you can also donate towards her overall funds to help the Gracemont rodeo. To find more information about the Gracemont rodeo, click here. To reach Presley’s mother directly, message her here. Lastly, if you enjoyed this story check out another rodeo queen candidate from 2022 here. Thank you for enjoying Oklahoma Life TV.